Terryl Whitlatch
If you've ever been interested in creating a world and what that involves, this is the interview for you! Inspired by the vast worlds created for Star Wars and the Lord of the Rings, acclaimed creature designer Terryl Whitlatch wanted to create an original story that could be in its own believable fantasy world featuring extinct and endangered animals. With the help of producer /publisher Robert Gould and screenwriter / author David Michael Wieger, "The Katurran Odyssey" was created. In this interview, Bobby talks to Terryl and Robert about the captivating world of "The Katurran Odyssey," as well as all of the challenges, and tribulations from the beginning development stages, through to publishing and licensing issues they experienced along the way to bringing this epic adventure to life.
Meet Your Heroes
Schoolism interviews your artistic heroes, finding out where and how they came to learn their artistic techniques, and how they got to where they are in the entertainment, art, and illustration industries.