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Djamila Knopf


Djamila Knopf

Once upon a time, Djamila Knopf was an illustrator for gaming and publishing. Then, in 2017, she had an epiphany and dedicated herself to being an independent artist doing her own work -- work that she loved, believed in, and connected to.

She is so much an intimate part of her art -- and her art is so much an intimate part of her -- that through her work, you will walk with her through the woods and fields of her childhood, and share in her love of Japanese animation and quiet contemplation.

Djamila lives and works in Leipzig, Germany, surrounded by beautiful old buildings and greenery.

When she's not drawing or painting, Djamila enjoys karaoke, bouldering, and traveling. She believes that any TV show worth watching is worth binging.

Courses By Djamila Knopf

  • Story-Driven Illustrations

    Story-Driven Illustrations

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